We use jigsaw as our main planning tool for PSHE. We also incorporate British Values, money education, relationships education and careers. We move beyond here though with our whole child education – we endeavour to develop each pupil holistically through a range of diverse experiences. Please see the whole child section of the website for just a few examples of how we nurture the entire individual.
Autumn 1 looks at the topic Being me in my world… a new school year, new friends, new learning and new experiences – what it means to be a citizen in our school community and beyond. We will add below examples of how this topic is development.
The whole-school Learning Charter, the end product of Puzzle 1 (Being Me in My World), gives the school a process for everyone to be involved in the production or review of the school’s positive behaviour policy.
The system of ‘rewards and consequences’ in the Learning Charter is built upon the communal understanding of ‘rights and responsibilities’, as opposed to a set of rules imposed from on high. (This can also be taken to a global citizenship level by considering the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.)
Rights, responsibilities, rewards and consequences are built on the belief that each child has the right and the capacity to make his/her own choices and, in doing so, is aware of, and therefore, accepts the consequences of these. The Learning Charter should, therefore, provide a cohesive structure that empowers children and brings consistency in managing behaviour positively.
In addition to our whole child curriculum, we work closely with our regional NSPCC representative to plan assemblies that inform children about how they can keep themselves safe and recognising when situations around them are not safe. We also use the PANTS resource throughout school to educate children in keeping their own bodies safe. We use worry boxes, PSHE, drop ins and peer mentoring to ensure each child has a voice and will listened to by a range of different people – we pride ourselves on the positive, trusting relationships we build our school upon. We train our staff in ‘professional challenge’ to ensure that all children are kept safe at all times within our care.
In addition to this we also welcome Eric Barrett, the community PSCO, who primarily enhances our internet safety programme but also will discuss current topics that are prevalent as and when they arise in our community.