From the very beginning of a child’s journey at Errington, we begin to talk about their learning leading to the career, job or interest they may have as they grow into adult life.

We have our first careers’ week planned for June this year – where we invite many different people with varying jobs and careers to talk to our children. We invite pupils who came through our primary school and other Trust friends – Prior Pursglove sixth form college – to look at the pathway taken to a particular role or career choice. So far we have doctors, locksmiths, engineers, musicians and farmers involved…if you would like to come along and speak to our children, we will warmly welcome you – please get in touch.

Careers Week

We would like to share the career pathways of some of our past pupils. Thank you to all those who have contributed. If you would like to be included, please send photos and your education and careers pathway and I will update this. Photos of Careers Week will be added soon.

Day 1

Visitors today included psychologists, police officers, professional musicians, library service, footballers from across the globe, The Principle or Prior, ICT experts, radiographers and museum curators. We can’t wait to see what tomorrow will bring.

Careers Co-ordinator for the Trust

Beth Cairns supports our careers development in school within an advisory role.

She has planned a programme of work starting from our youngest children looking at how their learning builds to guide them onto their pathway for later life. We build aspirations at every opportunity through school.


The session for year 5 focussed on exploring growing industries in the Tees Valley, casting their minds forward to careers that are expected to be on the rise when these children leave school.

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