Each week we report on attendance for each class. We aim for all classes to have a percentage above 96% in our weekly attendance report. Mrs Rule (Headteacher) is our attendance champion within school and she will monitor weekly children who are in school or who are absent and if children are late coming into school. Newsletters report weekly attendance and we prompt all children are families to be punctual and in school daily. Mrs Rule can be contacted by coming to the front office and requesting a meeting or emailing office@tvc.ac.uk

Mrs Poulter (office@tvc.ac.uk) is responsible for daily attendance reporting and she will be the person calling home if your child is not in school. Any further issues with attendance should be directed to Mrs Rule – office@tvc.ac.uk

Our attendance policy sets out when we will call, how we respond to attendance concerns and how and why we promote good attendance.

We are supported by the local authority’s attendance officer who meets with school monthly to identify any worries or concerns and the strategy or plans to support any families whose attendance is causing concerns.

We have a breakfast club that is free for pupil premium children and is also offered to families who are struggling to get their children to school on time.

What does attendance mean for your child?

EXCELLENT attendance. Your child is able to access all of their learning, form friendships and get into good attendance habits. Children with excellent attendance are usually more settled in school and are able to enjoy all areas of school life. Children who have greater attendance are more likely to gain better qualifications and potentially earn more in the future.

96% and above
Extremely GOOD attendance. Nationally, all schools and children are expected to achieve 96% attendance. Children are able to access most of their learning and are still likely to achieve good qualifications when they are older.

92% – 95%
Your child will be unable to access all of the teaching in school, which will have an impact on their learning and their readiness to learn.

91% and less
At 90% attendance, research shows that missing 10% of school can result in children dropping a whole grade/level in achievement. 90% is equivalent to missing half a day of school each week and 4 weeks of school in an academic year.

Any child with 85% and below is called a PERSISTENT ABSENTEE. At this stage school will discuss your child’s attendance with the Headteacher. This may result in us investigating why your child’s attendance is so low and a support plan could be put in place.

Every morning you will notice that we have an attendance officer monitoring your child’s attendance and late arrivals.

Attendance at present in comparison to previous years.

2017-2018 – 95%
2018-2019 – 96%
2019-2020 – 91%
2020-2021 – COVID affected attendance
2021-2022 – 95%

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